The Safety of Full Body Scanners in Prisons

One of the prime factors that correctional facilities must address in their security techniques is safety, and security checks must be safe, both for inmates and security staff.

While full body scanners have alleviated most of the safety concerns associated with physical pat downs and body cavity searches, there is still the question of radiation exposure, and whether body scanners are actually safe.

A Concern For Radiation Safety

Although x-ray technology has been approved for non-medical use in functions such as body scanning since 1993 and the technology has improved greatly over the decades, the concern over radiation safety and how much radiation is too much has been there since the start.

According to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), a dose of 1 mSv or less annually, including up to 250 uSV delivered from security body scanning equipment, is considered safe.

These are important numbers for facilities performing multiple scans on the same inmates and visitors, as the yearly dosage can add up quicker than it would for the average individual.

Full Body Scanners Much Safe

Research on the use of full body scanners reveals that the dosage delivered by modern scanners is minimal, meaning there is little safety risk even to those undergoing multiple scans throughout the period of one year.

This safety dose of up to 250 uSv equates to roughly 1,000 body scans per year at an average radiation dose from body scanning equipment while staying well within the safety margin.

Add to this the fact that as body scanning technology continues to improve and radiation doses per scan continue to get smaller, the safety margin is evident.

Many body scanners already deliver much lower than the average dosage and studies have demonstrated safety even up to as many as 5,000 scans annually when each scan delivers .05 uSv.

Consider Using Full Body Scanners

Considering the ongoing development of better, safer, and more efficient full body scanners and how today’s scanning technology works well within NCRP safety recommendations, it is safe to say that modern body scanning is not harmful to those moving through them, even multiple times.

As long as prison facilities utilize the best equipment to scan for contraband and it is used within the NCRP guidelines, safety is not a concern.

Combined with the other ways that body scanners promote inmate and staff safety by removing most needs for actual, physical contact, it is easy to see how full body scanners are the best choice today for security scanning.

Massage Therapy and How it Helps Our Bodies

Massage is a treatment that can restore and maintain good health through the manipulation of soft tissues.

Massage is also related to holistic therapy, choice of food, drink, work, and leisure.

Besides to so many different disciplines, it is not surprising that massage therapy can satisfy each individual.

As a relaxing and enjoyable activity, massage regenerates the mind and body as well as enhances awareness, restores the clarity of thought and creativity of spirit.

Benefits of massage therapy:

  • Better mobility
  • Inner peace and greater self-confidence
  • Improves immunity
  • Eliminates or alleviates allergy symptoms
  • Improves general health and athletic performance
  • Gets rid of depression, stress, tension, and fatigue
  • Mitigates headache, insomnia, digestive problems
  • Massage therapy slows down and stops the degeneration of the spine
  • Helps to lose weight, strengthen joints, relax muscles, stretch the tendons
  • Increases the general elasticity of the body
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Makes intervertebral discs healthier
  • Massage is completely safe and natural.

So massage has a beneficial effect on the muscular system, bones, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, digestive system, skin, genitourinary system, reproductive system.

The healing power of massage can enhance if you add meditation and visualization exercises and the usage of crystals and essential oils amplifies the positive power of massage therapy.

In problems with muscles, joints, and other parts of the body, strong manipulative massage therapy techniques bring the best results.

The healing power is in the activation of tissues, where toxins accumulated in muscles and joints are released.

Pressure Points in the Massage

Acupressure points are not magic buttons that heal health problems; however, if used frequently and carefully, they can establish a balance of body and mind, so the problems arise less frequently and of reduced intensity.

Points on the top of the head and back of the body:

  • GV20 acupuncture point - poor memory and concentration, headaches, mild depression. It relaxes the mind and calms the mind
  • GV16 - colds, headaches, sore throat, nosebleeds
  • GB20 - neck stiffness, headaches caused by stress, insomnia, hypertension. Use in combination with GV16, to cold symptoms have resolved
  • B10 - stress, tension, nervousness, insomnia. Increases awareness, calms the mind, relaxes the body, relieves cold symptoms and flu
  • GB21 - tension and fatigue in the area of #8203; #8203; the shoulders and neck, stiffness shoulders. Relaxes thoughts, reduce nervousness, stress, anger, and irritability
  • B13 - breathing problems, detoxification
  • B23, B47 - reduces pain in the lower back, establishes balance in the energy of the kidneys and digestive system
  • TH4 - reduces pain in the wrists
  • LI4 - headaches, mild depression, general types of pain
  • K3 - against water retention in the body, swollen feet, sleep problems. Protects the immune system. The very useful and safe pressure point for massage in pregnant women facilitates labor pains
  • B60 - pain in the lower back and joints, rheumatic pains

Acupressure points on the face and front of the body:

  • GV25 - depression, weakened immune system. A pure mind calms fears, relaxes the body
  • B2, GV24.5 - eye and sinus problems, headaches, and others facial pain
  • B1 - nosebleeds, tired and sore eyes
  • LI20 - colds that include the head area, blockages nose
  • ST - sinuses, tired and dry eyes
  • GV26 - dizziness, fainting, convulsions
  • K27 - sore throat, cough, hiccups, nervousness. Establishes balance in kidney function
  • L1 - asthma, breathing problems. Stabilizes emotions relieves states of confusion, clears thoughts
  • CV17 - mild depression, sadness
  • CV12 - emotional problems, stress, digestive problems

The effect of massage is based on the mechanical stimulation of receptors, during which various reactions of tissues and organs occur.

Besides this, massage has a direct mechanical effect on the tissue.

Under the influence of massage, the swelling of lymphatic and venous blood increases, active hyperemia of arterioles and capillaries occurs, which increases local metabolism and elimination of decomposition, harmful metabolic products, resorption of swelling.

It has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect, increases the secretory activity of sebaceous and sweat glands, which leads to a decrease in fatigue, improvement of contact ability, and generally relaxing, sedative effect.

Modern massage connects with Chinese therapy is very effective.

In modern practice, massage is used not only for therapeutic but also for prophylactic purposes such as relaxation and sports.

How Swedish Massage Helps Our Bodies

Many people try to reduce their stress through massage therapy - and few massage therapies are as well known and famous as the Swedish form of massage.

The massage, first introduced as a form of massage almost three centuries ago, is known for its original massage therapy and its ability to be quickly learned by new massage therapists.

What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage includes a variety of techniques for relaxing muscles by applying pressure on deeper muscles and bones.

The massage uses five specific massage strokes to heal and rejuvenate tired, injured, and even damaged muscles.

Its ability to improve oxygen absorption in the human body, increase blood flow, accelerate recovery in damaged muscle tissue, and accelerate the body's ability to eliminate toxin so.

Still, some of the claims in this area mainly affect what it does.

What Are The Types of Strokes?

This massage involves five types of strokes:

  • Effleurage - The use of agile movements with the palms, thumbs, or fingers. Effleurage can cause a feeling of muscle damage; however, the purpose of the operation is to connect one part of the body to another.

  • Tapotement - Involves several movements such as cupping, chopping, quacking, or hacking and is probably the second most common movement when we think of massage. It can be quite noisy, so it is very long and usually not done at the end of the session because it helps the client sleep.

  • Petrissage - A kind of massage therapy consisting of scooping movement that affects the surface muscles and fascia. The fascia is the connective tissue that covers the entire body. Sometimes it closes or locks and needs to be fixed. It helps to relax and unwind the manipulated muscles and helps them gain energy. This method of massage uses the sides of the hands.

  • Vibration - The vibration is done by moving the hand's heel and sometimes the fingertips through the skin to relax the muscles in the concentrated area.

  • Friction - This movement tries to generate heat to relax the muscles. The palms are rubbed tightly together or on the person's skin who is being massaged to create heat due to friction. This method can be treated as a warmer of the body muscles for a deeper massage.

Some Benefits Of Swedish Massage Therapy

Over the year, what have proven to be some of the benefits of Swedish massage therapy?

1. Improves Relaxation - The most main benefit of massage is the increased relaxation that you will surely appreciate. This is a boom for busy professionals who are stressed for long hours. If you consider this treatment, you will have a good remedy for sore throat and shoulder stiffness. This massage thereapy has huge benefits for the health of the active generation.

2. Stress Relief - The increase in the demand for life today has led to stress that damages our health every day. As soon as we realized, the situation was created, and our physical and mental health was affected. Even so, massage therapy works wonders to help you fight stress and anxiety. It cleanses your mind, producing good hormones in the body, which reduces stress and improves well-being.

3. Improves Flexibility - Swedish massage therapy significantly promotes rejuvenation, youth, and well-being. If you do this massage for only an hour, you will notice its positive body movement effects. It works wonders for swelling of the arms or legs and makes people feel better.

Swedish massage improves one's well-being; however, there are some tips to follow to get the most out of it.

For example, you should drink at least eight water glasses immediately after a massage therapy treatment to eliminate the lactic acid that is released immediately after treatment.

In addition, you should be hydrated for the next 24 to 48 hours to help your body get rid of toxins quickly.

This alternative treatment has many benefits when a licensed Swedish massage therapist treats you.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Moving Company for Residential Moving Services

Residential moving entails a lot of other tasks as well which usually people do not take into consideration when planning out their residential move.

Usually, the people involved in residential moving are not used to this as it is not something one experiences very often.

So being an inexperienced residential mover is an inherent feature of this process and it is due to this reason that it often ends up as a move with so many mistakes.

Don't Consider a DIY Move

The best way to deal with residential moving is not consider making it DIY; instead, a professional residential moving company should be hired to do the job.

It might seem that it will increase your moving cost which is already a concern for you due to so many costs arising during the moving itself when in fact, it saves your cost eventually.

Saving your time and giving you peace of mind is certainly a promising factor.

Get a Moving Estimate Made

The best way to start a residential move is by having an estimate from a couple of residential moving companies in the area.

Ask them to pay a visit and show them detailed items to be moved.

A good residential moving company will always have a detailed analysis of the items and will give you an estimate based upon that.

You can then compare quotes and pricing of the other moving companies and the services they offer.

Don't Just Use Transportation Services

It is often best to use their complete residential moving service plan which shall include: packing, loading, transportation, unloading, re-assembly.

These are the five steps involved in the moving process and it is assumed that residential moving companies shall be hired only for the third step of their moving/transportation services and the remaining tasks those who are moving can perform themselves and save some money; however, it has always been seen that do it yourself moving leads to an unsuccessful move.

Use A Moving Company's Full Services

The best way is to hire a moving company and have their complete residential moving services in it.

In the packing procedure, they will use the packing material which is best suited for their needs and they are aware how to pack delicate, fragile items which might get damaged during the moving process.

It's best to have professionals deal it their way rather than risking your expensive items on a stake.

Loading and unloading could take hours of your time and you might not fully utilize the space of the truck.

Professional movers have stretchers, sliders and other equipment that help load the heavy items as in kitchen appliances, sofas, etc. easily on the truck and maximum truck space is utilized saving your transportation cost.

The same procedure goes with unloading as well. It might take hours to unload the items and the truck is usually rented on an hourly basis and will increase your moving cost.

The last stage of residential moving requires assembling items in your new house. It can take a lot of your time and hard work to assemble it accordingly and after a rough day, you might not have the energy to do that at all.

Be More Relaxed With Professional Movers

Professional residential movers are trained to do that efficiently. They will take will take care of all moving services so you can feel relaxed to see your household items being transported safely.

How do Fitness Coaches Help Their Beginner Clients?

If you are new to the idea of working out with fitness coaches, you may wonder why doing so is better than doing it without a coach.

Fitness training is just working out, isn’t it?

What Is Involved in Fitness Training?

Truthfully, there is much more to fitness training than just running for miles or using the weight machines at the gym for an hour or the other things you might assume it involves.

That is because every person’s fitness program is different and if not done the right way, workouts will, at their best, give minimal results.

That could get discouraging and prevent you from continuing.

At their worst, they can cause injuries without you realizing it, or even exacerbate existing health or physical problems.

Try Personalized Fitness Coaching

To avoid these issues and get the kinds of results you want but may not have ever gotten in the past, try fitness coaching this time.

With personalized fitness coaching, you will partner with a fitness expert who has a vast knowledge of not just how to work out, but also how each type of workout affects the body and how to achieve different fitness goals with a good fitness plan.

Assess Your Fitness Level

Fitness coaching begins with an overall assessment of your physical condition and health and then a discussion about what your goals are.

Taking into consideration any health or physical issues you may have, your fitness coach will develop a fitness plan with you that starts small and progresses with gradually more significant goals as you go.

They will help you stay motivated, and be there to help you through trouble spots as well, so you keep meeting your goals, step-by-step.

Benefits of Personal Fitness Coaches

Most importantly, fitness coaches understand what practices will provide the most benefit for beginner fitness students so their energy is well spent and they start to see results.

Your coach will show the best activities to do and how to correctly do them, then guide you gradually through more challenging workouts.

With this kind of fitness training you can workout smarter, not harder, and gain even bigger benefits.

Your coach will start you out with what you need while simultaneously teaching you the hows and whys of different exercises so you can continue on your own.

Great Place for Beginners to Start Fitness Training

Beginners who enroll in personalized fitness coaching gain access to knowledgeable fitness professionals who specialize in showing you how to reach your fitness goals safely, faster, and more easily than going it alone.

When you understand not just how to exercise, but also how your body works, you will see the results!

Find a local fitness coach today and take the first step toward achieving a healthier, fitter you in 2022!

Why Should You Let A Professional Tax Prepared Handle your Taxes?

They say there are only two things in life that we can all count on: taxes, and death.

Actually doing your taxes can itself be a painful experience when you don’t have the right tax help.

A better idea might just be to let a professional tax preparer do it for you.

With the ease of simply collecting up your paperwork and answering a few questions, leaving it to the tax professionals can definitely make tax time less arduous.

Tax Preparers Provide Valuable Help

There are many other great reasons that you should consider letting a professional tax preparer handle your income tax filing besides the ability to avoid the headache that it can become.

Paying a small fee is a worthwhile convenience for many people who would rather avoid the complexities of tax preparation, even using some of the leading tax software.

Every tax filer is different, and commercially available tax software cannot answer every question relating to each filer’s personal situation correctly.

Tax Professionals Help Small Businesses

Another thing that tax professionals can do that commercial software or trying to DIY cannot is help small business owners file an accurate return while benefiting from the most deductions, credits, and other advantages.

Tax laws pertaining to business differ across industries, financial brackets, location, and even personal information about the business owner.

Working with a professional tax help service, business owners have access to all of this knowledge and experience.

There is no guesswork, misinterpretation of tax laws, or other mistakes that could miss available benefits or somehow trigger an audit.

Plan For The Future With Professional Tax Help

Working with a tax professional can also help you plan for the future, whether with suggestions on personal finances or retirement planning based on your current financial situation, or business planning to take advantage of available tax breaks in the future.

The advice gained from experienced tax help preparers can often save clients much more than what is spent paying for this tax help in the first place.

Make Your Tax Filing Quick and Easy

Lastly, having your personal or business taxes done by a professional tax preparer means trouble-free preparation and filing, quickly.

Experienced tax professionals can prepare complex tax documents much more quickly than the average person can, which means you will receive any tax returns due to you faster.

Even if you owe this year, it will be over and done with quickly, with much less headache than if you choose to toil over receipts and rules and trying to figure out deductions and credits on your own.

Seek Professional Tax Help!

Tax season is right around the corner, and we all know what that means - the time to hire a professional tax preparer to do your income taxes is almost here!

Family Photography: Is it art or coincidence?

The best way to capture moments is to take it all I and save a piece of it in a photograph. Family is the closet it can get to happiness and no family is bound by titles or blood. It is all in the hearts of the people that connect us and bind us together. Moments of impact are made possible with the reflection in the eyes of beloved and the smile that lights up the room in its simplicity. Laughter and hugs may it claps or tears all have their place in the heart. Heart takes a photographic memory of its own; the camera simply translates the emotion into a picture worth a thousand words. 

Family photography is the best art that exists since it takes in all the emotions and puts it into a frame size. The smaller the frame the deeper the emotions are portrayed in the images. Art is influential and so is family, art makes you think twice about what you see and perceive and so does our families. Family photography however brings people from all different places with different aspirations and aims and binds them together into a single laugh and a picture worth words beyond limits. 

Famliy photography is a coincidental art; it manifests the emotions and deep looking eyes with the most naught smiles and haughty laughs. The camera never fails to capture the first steps or firs kiss. It never leaves the hand. A picture taken a long time ago can bring back memories that take us back to who we were and where we belonged and how long our journey has been. It is exquisite to see yourself and your family perfect in their appreciated flaws in a resolution printed out and hanged in a frame. If not a frame than in hearts-it is still a moment and will always be a photographic and an unforgettable moment in time. 


Why Choose a Computerized Sewing Machine

Many people tend to resist new technology, especially artists when it comes to the way that they complete their work. Those who construct clothing may be very attached to their tried and true method of sewing, but there are many benefits to some of the new technology available. If you are still unsure about why you should choose computerized sewing machines, check out some of the things they can do.

The main attraction for these amazing machines is the memory. This type of machine can remember a specific type of stitch or pattern and replicate it automatically. This means that if someone starts a project and needs to finish it later, they do not need to remember exactly the motions they were going through. Their sewing machine can remember it for them and get them back on track for the next session. Sewing Machines
These machines even make it easier to find patterns for projects. Many of them are PC compatible so users can download patterns from the Internet and put them right into their smart sewing machine. This means no more trips to the store for a last minute pattern and no more navigating complicated directions. With a computer is driven sewing machine, it is easy to download and get to work.
In addition to basic sewing, theses wonders can be used to complete complicated embroidery projects. With a system of sensors and a motorized work area, all anyone needs to do is move the work area and adjust the needle assembly to change the stitching style. For someone who already knows how to sew, this can expand the types of projects they can complete with their sewing machine. Embroidery Machine
Of course, there is always something to be said for doing things the old-fashioned way. It can be very relaxing to sit outside and mend clothing with a traditional needle and thread. However, for big sewing projects and intricate details, there are a variety of reasons why you should choose a computerized sewing machine. Sewing Machine

Maintain Your Sewing Machine With These Simple Tips

You love your sewing machine but maintaining it is not always the easiest thing to do. It just does not seem to be the easiest thing to do if you do not plan the way to maintain your machine and it could have bad effects too. The question to be answered here is the different ways you can clean it without making it be too much of an effort. Here is a simple guide to help you clean it on a regular basis and to help you keep it forever new.

Always keep your sewing machine manual around so that you can do a quick check on the tools that came with it. Screwdrivers, a mini brush, and some lubricant oil would be a must when you are cleaning this. Needless to say, always keep your machine powered off. It might sound cliche, but it is always better to be as safe as possible. The stitching machine oil can be found at hardware stores, and a can of compressed air would be helpful too. High Speed Sewing and Quilting Machine

The first thing you have to clean from the Usha sewing machine is the throat plate. Remove the screws and the plate before using the miniature brush. You could use the compressed air can too, but the brush would just give you a better feel to cleaning the machine.

Once you are done with this, you can get to oil the machine without much trouble. You can raise the presser foot to get the tensed springs loose. Once this is done, remove the throat place and bobbin case. You can clean the discs using the compressed air and remove any excess thread that is present. This is the best way to ensure that no moisture is added to your machine and remains perfect for daily usage. Move the nozzle of the can away from the machine to at least 4 inches.

Using light lubricant or oil for the machine would help the functioning much better. Wipe the entire exterior of the machine and clean it with a clean, soft cloth. Putting the presser foot and the fresh needle is a tough task. Now, before you even start to put in a new project, check the needle and stitch a few lines so that you get the groove back on. It is also a must so that any excess oil you may have added in the machine gets wiped out on the cloth - preferably not a cloth you are too fond of. Sewing Machine Supplies

The biggest issue with maintaining a sewing machine is the worry of rust. Always keep the machine in a dry place so that there is no chance of moisture playing spoilsport. It could spoil the machine and cause serious damage. Some of the best equipment like Usha stitching machines are equipped with a complete manual to give you a clear understanding of maintenance and what you have to do to keep your machine going on for long. With the right care and treatment, you would be able to keep your machine strong for years.

Many of us use our stitching equipment very often in the day and a gentle round of cleaning after each day would keep most serious damage and maintenance away. It is extremely easy to keep clean if done on a regular basis and would not incur big payments at the service store. Try to not keep the machine without running thread, and a general round of oil now and then would help in the overall functioning of the machine. It is quite simple once you plan it as a monthly activity. Cover Stitch machines


Why Consider Family Counseling?

Of all the people we love and trust the most, none are more important to us than our family.

From the time we are children growing up to the point when we are adults with our own families, family members are critical life relationships and make up a main support group for us and each other.

No family is perfect, however, and when problems arise and families are strained as a result, family relationships counseling can be invaluable.

Family Problems and Relationships

Relationship problems that develop within a family and keep it from functioning well can make life challenging for all involved.

Whether the problems are due to job pressures, poor communication, financial stress, emotional or intimacy issues, infidelity in the marriage, or other concerns, these types of issues can build up, drastically and negatively affecting daily life for the whole group.

Family problems can eventually lead to frequent arguing, emotional and mental issues, marital problems, childhood problems, and even divorce if not eventually addressed.

These problems can negatively affect everyone, turning a family into anything but the loving, caring unit that a family should be. To remedy these situations, family counseling and therapy can be extremely helpful.

Family Relationships Counseling

Family relationships counseling covers a number of areas to help people within a family unit have a happier, more supportive, and more loving family life.

It is useful for spouses, parents, as well as children and can help families learn how to better handle the challenges that life brings in a more positive way and a large part of achieving that is identifying roles within the family, and the expectations involved with each of those roles.

Family counseling can help family members to understand their position within the unit, how to deal with the different stressors that affect their lives, and how to work together to maintain a cohesive family unit and household.

The Value of Family Counseling

To be a part of a strong, happy family is a blessing and while all people and families do have their problems, knowing how to deal with those problems collectively is key.

For anyone experiencing ongoing relationship stress within their home, family relationship counseling can help to bring the love back while keeping the family intact.

Before resorting to breaking up the group, couples and parents should consider individual or couples counseling with a therapist that specializes in family relationship problems.

Opening the lines of communication and problems solving together could be just what your family needs to get back on track.