Do You Really Know What Is Involved With Payroll Management?

One way that many small businesses like to cut corners is by providing their own in-house payroll services.

It does seem easy enough to calculate pay and then cut payroll checks, right? Truthfully, there is a lot more to payroll management than a few quick calculations.

Done efficiently and correctly, doing payroll is actually quite time-consuming, which is why there are entire payroll companies out there offering their services to business owners that have plenty of other things to do.

What Makes Up Payroll Management?

What is involved in payroll management? All of these different steps:

  1. Gathering and managing employee personal and payroll information.

  2. Calculating each employee’s gross pay.

  3. Calculating net pay amount by determining and subtracting pre-tax and tax deductions.

  4. Calculating employer-paid taxes like unemployment taxes, Medicare and social security taxes, and local taxes.

  5. Reconciling all calculations to check for correctness, then creating payroll journal entries.

  6. Cutting and distributing payroll checks.

  7. Submitting healthcare, tax, and retirement payments.

  8. Creating, storing, and distributing weekly, monthly, and yearly payroll records documents.

Payroll Involves A Lot of Work

From just this list it should be easy to see that there is a lot more involved in the correct execution of payroll services for any business.

All of these steps need to happen every pay period to keep the business accounts correctly balanced and to avoid the problems that can happen when taxes are not properly estimated or not submitted on time.

Making the required retirement and healthcare payments just add more complexity to the process, which can and should take hours each pay period.

That is all time that a business owner could be using more effectively, making their company more profitable, instead.

Why You Need To Use A Payroll Company

Payroll companies provide a specialized accounting service that every business with employees needs.

In times when tax laws, healthcare costs, and many other financial business factors continue to change, keeping up with it all can keep business owners away from doing what they do best - running their company.

Once a business is set up with a payroll management service, the only time investment on the owner’s part is submitting employee information, pay adjustments, and other changes; the service will take care of everything else.

Best Advice – Get Payroll Help!

The takeaway here is simple. Any business owner can try their hand at handling their own payroll services, but it is much more cost-effective in the long run to let a payroll company do it, instead.

The gain for doing this is more time to spend running the business with less time spent slowly working through specialized accounting tasks or even making mistakes.

Professional payroll services help companies be more profitable!

Massage Therapy – A Great Solution for Chronic Headaches

Headaches are terrible, especially when they are chronic or when typical over-the-counter remedies don’t seem to help much.

Did you know that massage therapy is a great solution for many types of headache?

If not, you may want to try a massage the next time you start getting headaches again.

From frequent tension headaches to chronic migraines, techniques like myofascial massage, Swedish, and relaxation massage can all help to relieve the pain of frequent headaches in a natural, drug-free way.

How Are Headaches Helped by Massage Therapy?

But exactly how does massage therapy help chronic headaches?

When the right techniques are used, massage affects the body in a number of ways that can reduce the very conditions that cause those headaches.

Relaxation Helps

First and foremost, massage therapy causes the body to relax physically, which helps to lower blood pressure.

Many tension headaches are caused by tense muscles and tendons and higher blood pressure.

Swedish massage, general relaxation massage, hot stone massage, and other relaxing techniques done regularly can reduce damaging tension that is responsible for headaches, anxiety, depression, and other physical and mental problems.

Myofascial Massage Helps

Yet beyond tension and general headaches are the more serious migraines which can also be lessened through regular massage therapy.

Research studies on the effects of massage to migraine sufferers indicates that done twice weekly, myofascial massage can start to reduce the frequency of migraines after about four or five weeks.

Although that may seem like a lot of massages, any migraine sufferer can tell you that anything that helps in the long run is worth it to them.

Myofascial massage therapy of the face, neck, head, and trigeminal area is especially useful for reducing blood pressure, anxiety, cortisol levels, and many other factors that contribute to migraines.

Seek Other Intervention for Ongoing Headaches

We all get the occasional headache from time-to-time and have our own preferred ways to deal with them.

When headaches become chronic, however, more intervention may be needed.

Always talk about chronic headaches with your doctor first as headaches can be a symptom of many different health issues.

Then, schedule some massage therapy to help relieve the symptoms.

Got Headaches? Try Massage Therapy!

Before taking another pill or suffering in silence, see if massage can help when used alongside current therapies.

Whether you choose relaxation massage to relieve tension headaches or require trigger point myofascial massage to help with frequent migraines, you will appreciate the benefits.

Regular massages are an effective, medication-free solution for chronic and debilitating headaches that can help you regain your quality of life!

Chronic Pain and Secondary Disability Claims – The Relationship

A recent change to the VA disability claims process is the ability to claim chronic pain as a disability.

Today, VA constant pain disability claims are acceptable, as the VA began acknowledging chronic pain as a disability in 2018.

Depending on the severity of service-connected pain, chronic pain can be rated up to 100% over time depending on the degree of disability it causes. 

Claims For Service-Related Constant Pain

Getting a claim accepted for chronic pain is important for more than just the obvious reasons.

Not only will it help them in the present, but it might help them in the future as well.

Those experiencing chronic pain due to their time in the service or who may have had claims rejected in the past should seek disability claims help to assist with getting their chronic pain claim accepted and their degree of pain and disability rated. 

Why Should These Constant Pain Claims Be Accepted?

Why is it so important to have a VA constant pain disability claim accepted?

There is a definite connection between chronic pain and secondary conditions like insomnia, depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.

Frequently, those suffering from chronic pain may experience an elevation in their disability due to a secondary mental health disorder.

Secondary mental health or other disabilities may also be approved as secondary disability claims when connected to chronic pain since this connection is well recognized. 

Relationship Between Primary Disability Rating and Secondary Disability Claim

Noting the relationship between the two, it is important for veterans to first seek a primary disability rating by submitting their claim for chronic pain, as this makes it easier to get the secondary claim approved afterward.

The more challenging approval that might require VA constant pain disability claims help is proving the service connection for chronic pain.

The connection to insomnia or mental health issues that were caused or exacerbated by chronic pain is easier to prove and have accepted.

Together, a veteran is entitled to an increased disability rating that reflects both conditions. 

Constant Pain Disability Claims Can Now Be Submitted to the VA

The takeaway from this is relatively simple.

Veterans dealing with service-connected chronic pain can now submit a VA constant pain disability claim that, with a correct application and the right evidence, should be accepted.

Those experiencing difficulties getting their claim approved should seek VA constant pain disability claims help so their pain can be rated and be in a better position to submit a secondary claim in the future.

If insomnia, depression, or another mental health disorder develops or worsens due to the primary chronic pain condition, veterans can submit a secondary claim based on their chronic pain claim, which should also be approved. 


When experiencing challenges getting chronic pain or secondary disability claims through, veterans should seek VA constant pain disability claims help from experienced representatives who can assist them and get their claims approved.

Doing A DIY Move – Hire Local Moving Services to Load The Truck!


Moving can be an exciting, yet overwhelming experience. While a DIY move gives you total control over the process, it can be a physically challenging and time-consuming task. However, did you know you can split the difference? Hiring residential moving services to load the truck can provide you the perfect balance between a full-service move and a DIY move. 

Understanding the DIY Moving Process

DIY moves often come to mind when you're trying to cut down the expenses associated with relocating. The prospect of self-packing and renting a truck can seem like a cost-effective solution. However, there's more to a DIY move than just the financial aspect. You'll also need to consider the physical labor, the time involved, and the stress that comes with it. While a full-service move done by residential moving companies might save you from these challenges, the costs could be substantially higher. This is where local moving services can come in handy, bridging the gap between cost-effectiveness and convenience.

The Role of Local Moving Services in a DIY Move

Local residential moving services typically offer an array of options that you can tailor according to your needs. They can provide just loading and unloading services, which is an excellent option for a DIY move. Hiring professional help to load your truck ensures that your belongings are packed safely and securely, minimizing the risk of damage during transit. Choosing the right local moving service will depend on several factors, including their reputation, reliability, cost, and the range of services they provide.

Preparing for Your DIY Move: From Planning to Packing

Creating a moving checklist is crucial to keep your DIY move organized. This list should include tasks like acquiring packing materials, organizing and decluttering, and packing room by room. As far as packing goes, don't skimp on quality packing materials. The safety of your belongings is paramount, so invest in sturdy boxes, packing paper, bubble wrap, and packing tape. Consider your local moving service as a partner in this process. Communicate clearly about what items you have, so they can assist with packing strategies and provide additional resources, if needed.

Maximizing Local Moving Services

To fully maximize the benefits of your local residential moving service, careful scheduling is essential. Coordinate with them in advance to decide the most efficient way to load your truck, and remember to make allowances for unexpected delays. Once they arrive, your role will be more supervisory, ensuring the process goes according to your plan. Remember, these professionals know best when it comes to safely loading a truck, so rely on their expertise while retaining control of your move.

DIY Move Safety Considerations

Keeping your belongings safe doesn't end at loading. Make sure to discuss insurance options with your chosen local moving service to cover any potential damages. Furthermore, don't forget about personal safety. It can be easy to overlook, but moving, especially a DIY one, can be physically demanding. Proper attire, hydration, and taking breaks are crucial.

Post-Move Considerations

Upon reaching your destination, the unloading and unpacking begin. If you've labeled your boxes well and provided a clear inventory to your residential moving service, this process should be straightforward. After settling in, take time to evaluate the service provided by the moving company. Were they punctual, professional, and careful with your belongings? Leaving a review or providing feedback helps these services improve, and assists others in making informed decisions. If any issues or damages have occurred during the move, reach out to your moving service promptly to resolve them.


The advantages of a DIY move combined with a residential moving service are numerous. This option can provide you with control over your moving process while still offering the convenience of professional help, particularly when it comes to the heavy lifting. So why not make your next move a DIY one, aided by the expertise of your local residential moving companies?

Chronic Pain and VA Disability Claims

Chronic pain resulting from another injury or illness is an eligible condition for which veterans can submit VA chronic disability claims.

Though this has not always been the case, since the case of Saunders vs. Wilkie in 2018, the VA now considers chronic pain as a claimable service-connected disability when certain conditions are met.

VA chronic pain disability claims help professionals encourage all veterans experiencing chronic pain to file their claims, even if they have been declined prior to 2018, with the necessary evidence to receive a fair rating. 

Chronic Pain and a Service-Connected Injury or Illness

To be eligible for VA disability pay for chronic pain, the veteran must have experienced a service-connected injury or illness to which the pain is attributed and the pain must be ongoing for more than 6 months for it to be considered chronic.

VA chronic pain disability claims showing that the pain a veteran is experiencing is affecting their quality of life and/or ability to work will be rated in the same way that all other service-connected injuries and illnesses are.

With that evidence-based rating, the veteran’s disability pay can be adjusted accordingly. 

Difficulty of a Chronic Pain Claim

The challenge that many veterans face when attempting to claim their chronic pain is in proving the significance of that pain, how it is related to their service-connected disability, and how it is negatively affecting them.

There is no specific VA rating system that considers chronic pain alone, making gauging its effect difficult and subjective.

Still, as any veteran experiencing it knows, chronic pain can cause more than just discomfort; it can be downright debilitating, cause mental health issues like depression, and even contribute to additional health problems. 

Seek Expert Help For Chronic Pain Claims

In the effort of presenting all of this as evidence to support a disability claim, veterans struggling with chronic pain should consider seeking VA chronic pain disability claims help from an experienced third party that understands the claims process.

The right VA chronic pain disability claims assistance can ensure that the right evidence supporting chronic pain conditions is submitted, increasing the chance that a fair rating will be assigned. 

What Evidence Must Be Presented?

This evidence should include everything from military and VA medical records to private medical records, including doctor statements on how the pain is thought to be associated with the veteran’s service-connected disability.

It should also include evidence that shows how chronic pain is affecting the veteran’s employability and their overall enjoyment of life in general.

To effectively provide all of this critical information in the most considerable ways, veterans can seek VA chronic pain disability claims assistance from knowledgeable specialists who are experienced with the disability claims process.

What is the Concurent Retirement and Disability Program?

A common concern of retiring veterans with service-connected disabilities is how their VA disability benefits compensation will affect their retirement pay.

Normally, veterans receiving disability pay and then reaching retirement age and the start of their retirement pay will see a reduction in retirement pay in the amount of their veterans disability benefit.

Yet some disabled veterans can qualify to retain some or all of their retirement benefits while continuing to receive their veterans disability compensation if they qualify for the Concurrent Retirement and Disability Program. 

What is the Concurrent Retirement and Disability Program?

The Concurrent Retirement and Disability Program or CRDP allows qualifying military veterans with service-connected disabilities to receive veterans disability benefits plus military retirement benefits concurrently without a reduction in retirement pay.

It is designed to protect the retirement pay of disabled veterans who made the military their career prior to their disability. 

How Does A Veteran Qualify for CRDP?

To qualify for CRDP, veterans must have a disability rating of 50% or higher and in addition, meet one these requirements: 

  • They must have retired from the military after 20 or more years of service.
  • They medically retired under Chapter 61 due to a service-connected disability.
  • They retired early, having served less than 20 years, under the Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA).
  • They served for 20 or more years in the National Guard and Reserve.

For veterans meeting the above requirements, CRDP will restore some or all of their retirement benefits based on their disability rating up to 100% of the retirement benefit.

Under this program, veterans with a total disability rating are entitled to their full retirement pay concurrently with the full VA disability benefits package. 

Are There Retroactive CRDP Payments?

Additionally, as this program is a newer benefit still being phased in since 2004, some qualifying disabled veterans may also be entitled to retroactive CRDP payments if the date that their disability became 50% or higher was prior to their application to the program.

Any retroactive CRDP payments due are issued by the VA in a lump sum separate from current veterans disability compensation and retirement payments. 

Find Out If You Qualify For This Benefit!

Disabled veterans who have served 20 or more years before their retirement and have a disability rating of 50% or more at this time could qualify for the Concurrent Retirement and Disability Program, which allows them to keep more of their retirement benefits every month.

To learn more about this veterans disability benefits program and whether they qualify, disabled veterans should reach out to the VA or discuss it with a veterans disability compensation expert who can help them access all of their VA disability benefits entitlement.

How Does Full Body X-Ray Scanning Work?

Full body scanning has become an essential practice in correctional facilities and other places, as it provides the most accurate means of contraband detection available.

Of the two body scanning technologies that are used today that are backscatter and millimeter wave, it is the former that is most commonly used in corrections facilities, partly because this technology has been available the longest. 

What Is Backscatter X-Ray?

Body scanning x-ray devices used in airports, corrections facilities, federal buildings, and others employ a technology called backscatter x-ray, which is a low-power, digital version of the old x-ray machines that imposed images on photographic film.

The old machines involved an image scanner behind the body and an x-ray tube in front, a setup that required a considerable dose of radiation that had to pass through the body to create the image on the film.

Today’s x-ray body scanning machines are fortunately much weaker and much safer. 

What Are Full Body Scanning Machines?

Also called soft x-ray scanners, modern low-intensity full body scanning machines contain a single image scanner on one side of the body only and an x-ray tube close to the image scanner.

With the image scanner and the x-ray tube on the same side, x-rays do not need to fully penetrate the body to generate an image.

Instead, these weaker x-rays only penetrate through clothing and about an inch into the body, where they scatter, bounce off structures within the body, then ricochet back to the image scanner.

The data generated by the scattering and rebounding x-rays are used to create the x-ray image. 

How Do Body Scanning Machines Discern Different Body Parts?

How do body scanning machines differentiate between flesh, bone, and other items?

Different shades in the image are generated according to the way that low-powered x-rays behave as they enter the body, then bounce back out.

Based on the density and makeup of different materials, the energy signatures of ions and atoms and other factors, clear, details x-ray images are produced. 

How Is Contraband Detected?

How do modern body scanning machines now detect contraband so easily?

Continued advancement in full body scanning machines has now led to technology such as software that understands the physical makeup of various substances, from parts of the human body to non-human items like weapons, packets of drugs, paper, and much more.

Based on the response generated by low-powered x-rays as they scatter and bounce back, the body scanning machine is able to detect the physical makeup of everything in front of the scanner. 

This Is a Developing Technology

The x-ray technology used in body scanners continues to develop, making it not just more accurate, but also safer.

As full body scanning continues to evolve, corrections facilities and others using these machines can continue to accomplish fast, safe scanning while delivering the smallest doses of radiation possible.

Fortunately, today’s top-of-the-line full body x-ray scanners have been approved as being exceptionally safe, with little risk for repeated use.

Scanning for Person-Borne Contraband in Correctional Facilities

There are multiple ways in which contraband makes its way inside prisons and other correctional facilities.

Person-borne contraband is that which is found hidden on a person, either concealed within or under their clothing or within a body cavity.

Detecting person-borne contraband must be done using capable, yet safe methods to be accurate enough to locate items while also not causing harm to the person or to security personnel.

Full body scanning using advanced x-ray technology is considered the safest and most accurate way to locate person-borne contraband

What Detection Methods Are Used in Correctional Facilities?

There are two methods in which scanning for person-borne contraband can be performed at a correctional facility: full-body stationary walk-through scanning and handheld wand body scanning.

Both of these devices are available using various technologies such as x-ray, backscatter x-ray, transmission x-ray, ion scanning, millimeter wave, and others that detect different items including cellular devices, metallic and non-metallic items, narcotics, and explosives, each to varying degrees.

The devices also have varying degrees of penetration in three different scanning situations, those being on the body, within a body cavity, and under body armor.

Yet among all of the different walk-through and handheld devices available, as of yet there is no single device that can detect all five categories of contraband in all three locations. 

Which Devices Yield the Least Amount of Radiation?

Concerning radiation, the scanners emitting the lowest amount of radiation can detect the fewest types of contraband, while those detecting the most types emit higher radiation.

While all of these devices are considered safe for repeated use, the number of uses considered safe for each device may be higher or lower depending on the amount of radiation emitted. 

Handheld devices generally deliver smaller doses of radiation in comparison to walk-through units, but this is not always the case, as exposure may increase based on how the device is used.

Also, the cost of these devices tends to correlate directly with the radiation level and detection ability of each device. 

Which Scanning Device Is Right for Your Facility?

Practically speaking, handheld scanners may be more desirable in many cases due to their easy use and affordability, but they are more time-consuming to use.

Conversely, full body scanners are more convenient and thorough, but much more expensive.

When considering the cost of these devices and their different limitations based on the technology and radiation exposure, the sensible solution for any correctional facility is to use a combination of these approaches to detect the most types of person-borne contraband while delivering the least amount of radiation possible.

Curious About Hot Stone Massage Therapy? Here Are Its 5 Benefits!

There are a lot of ways to relax, de-stress, and energize.

You can go on a vacation leave from work and spend time with family and friends, you can visit the park with your pets, or you can do some yoga session with your pals.

But if you prefer to do something truly relaxing, calming, and energizing, booking for a hot stone massage therapy might be the best option for you.

A massage therapy that combines the art of Swedish massage and the unique and satisfying effect of heated stones will surely relieve your stress and refuel your energy.

What Is Hot Stone Massage Therapy?

Whenever you see video clips or images portraying a massage therapist carefully putting smooth, heated stones on the back of a person lying peacefully on a spa bed, then that is what hot stone massage therapy is all about.

Hot stone massage therapists are trained to use and place heated basalt river stones on trigger points and other specific points of the body and they can even hold and use the stones while doing Swedish massage techniques like kneading, stroking, and rolling.

Five benefits of hot stone massage therapy

There are five great benefits that you will discover from hot stone massage therapy:

  1. Alleviate Anxiety And Relieve Stress - All massage therapies, including hot stone massage therapy, are found to be very effective in relieving stress and anxiety. The use of heated stones even adds to the relaxation and calming effect that significantly induces positive vibes and energy. After a long week at work, a hot stone massage therapy might work its magic on you.
  2. Reduce Muscle Pain And Tension - Since heat has been used to manage muscle pain and tension for a very long time now, hot stone massage therapy is also very effective in doing such. How does it work? The heat applied on the body part will increase the blood flow in that area and reduce muscle tension and pain.
  3. Promote Sleep - Research found that massage therapy can replace sleeping pills in people who have difficulty in sleeping. Hot stone massage therapy, when done particularly on the back, can help in promoting sleep and relaxation. Once you get a good sleep, you will automatically feel better and energized when you wake up.
  4. Improve Immunity - When you undergo a massage therapy, it can lower your arginine-vasopressin, the hormone which regulates water retention and blood pressure. This will lead to having your immunity boosted, which can help you ward off diseases and sicknesses.
  5. Aid In Managing Cancer Symptoms - Cancer symptoms such as depression, nausea, anxiety, stress, fatigue, and pain are found to be managed well through massage therapies like hot stone massage therapy.

Trigger Point Massage Therapy – Learn Its Many Benefits!

Trigger point massage therapy, also called neuromuscular therapy or myofascial trigger point therapy, is a manual form of therapy that aims at releasing and detecting trigger points.

It mainly targets the muscles.

Trigger points are hyperirritable muscle spots mostly with palpable taut bands or knots in the muscle tissue.

On compression, the trigger points are painful and often relay tenderness and pain to other body areas.

The affected muscle is in most instances ischemic which causes the whole muscle to be weak, painful, too tight, and becomes fatigued easily.

The trigger points are usually caused by overstressing the muscle, sustained chills, and muscle fiber trauma.

What Does Trigger Point Massage Therapy Do?

Trigger point massage therapy targets directly the trigger point and the adjacent muscles.

The therapist keenly identifies the trigger point and may use whole-body vibration, friction strokes, compressions, or stretches which is suitable to make the trigger point melt away.

There is a significant or complete alleviation of pain once the trigger point is released.

Trigger point massage therapy can be used in managing headaches, frozen shoulder, osteoarthritis, temporomandibular joint pain, migraines, back pain, whiplash, tinnitus, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, hip pain among others.

Benefits Of Trigger Point Massage Therapy

There are many benefits to be received from trigger point massage therapy.

  • Improves Body Posture - Tight muscles negatively affect the posture through slouching. Trigger point therapy may be used to relieve muscle tightness and alleviates pain which in turn gives the normal human posture.
  • Improves Flexibility - Trigger point massage therapy stretches your connective tissue and thus improving the body's flexibility.
  • Increases Range Of Motion - Muscle weakness and pain majorly causes reduced flexibility and decreased range of motion. Release of muscle tension from a trigger point increases the range of motion and improved flexibility.
  • Promotes Hormone ProductionTrigger point massage therapy also helps with lymph drainage.
  • Alleviates Pain - It alleviates all kinds of pain. Before pharmacological pain management is given, muscle tension release should be done on the main trigger points.
  • Improves Muscle Circulation - Through tissue stimulation, there is improved blood flow. This reduces the ischemic-related pain.
  • Reduces Stress - Trigger point massage therapy frees your mind from emotions and difficult situations. It also reduces headaches and migraines by relaxing the tight muscles associated with migraines and tension headaches.

Trigger point massage therapy is used to relax the inflamed muscles which is often applicable to the those involved in sports.

Overextension of muscles may result in soreness and these massages help curb the soreness and hasten the recovery time.

In Summary

Trigger point massage therapy is rejuvenating.

At the end of the massage, one feels connected, revitalized, balanced, and energized to keep going.

Trigger point massage therapy gets rid of the body's distractions and stimulates the brain cells thus enhancing a healthy mental and physical connection.