Trigger Point Massage Therapy – Learn Its Many Benefits!

Trigger point massage therapy, also called neuromuscular therapy or myofascial trigger point therapy, is a manual form of therapy that aims at releasing and detecting trigger points.

It mainly targets the muscles.

Trigger points are hyperirritable muscle spots mostly with palpable taut bands or knots in the muscle tissue.

On compression, the trigger points are painful and often relay tenderness and pain to other body areas.

The affected muscle is in most instances ischemic which causes the whole muscle to be weak, painful, too tight, and becomes fatigued easily.

The trigger points are usually caused by overstressing the muscle, sustained chills, and muscle fiber trauma.

What Does Trigger Point Massage Therapy Do?

Trigger point massage therapy targets directly the trigger point and the adjacent muscles.

The therapist keenly identifies the trigger point and may use whole-body vibration, friction strokes, compressions, or stretches which is suitable to make the trigger point melt away.

There is a significant or complete alleviation of pain once the trigger point is released.

Trigger point massage therapy can be used in managing headaches, frozen shoulder, osteoarthritis, temporomandibular joint pain, migraines, back pain, whiplash, tinnitus, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, hip pain among others.

Benefits Of Trigger Point Massage Therapy

There are many benefits to be received from trigger point massage therapy.

  • Improves Body Posture - Tight muscles negatively affect the posture through slouching. Trigger point therapy may be used to relieve muscle tightness and alleviates pain which in turn gives the normal human posture.
  • Improves Flexibility - Trigger point massage therapy stretches your connective tissue and thus improving the body's flexibility.
  • Increases Range Of Motion - Muscle weakness and pain majorly causes reduced flexibility and decreased range of motion. Release of muscle tension from a trigger point increases the range of motion and improved flexibility.
  • Promotes Hormone ProductionTrigger point massage therapy also helps with lymph drainage.
  • Alleviates Pain - It alleviates all kinds of pain. Before pharmacological pain management is given, muscle tension release should be done on the main trigger points.
  • Improves Muscle Circulation - Through tissue stimulation, there is improved blood flow. This reduces the ischemic-related pain.
  • Reduces Stress - Trigger point massage therapy frees your mind from emotions and difficult situations. It also reduces headaches and migraines by relaxing the tight muscles associated with migraines and tension headaches.

Trigger point massage therapy is used to relax the inflamed muscles which is often applicable to the those involved in sports.

Overextension of muscles may result in soreness and these massages help curb the soreness and hasten the recovery time.

In Summary

Trigger point massage therapy is rejuvenating.

At the end of the massage, one feels connected, revitalized, balanced, and energized to keep going.

Trigger point massage therapy gets rid of the body's distractions and stimulates the brain cells thus enhancing a healthy mental and physical connection.

Massage Therapy and How it Helps Our Bodies

Massage is a treatment that can restore and maintain good health through the manipulation of soft tissues.

Massage is also related to holistic therapy, choice of food, drink, work, and leisure.

Besides to so many different disciplines, it is not surprising that massage therapy can satisfy each individual.

As a relaxing and enjoyable activity, massage regenerates the mind and body as well as enhances awareness, restores the clarity of thought and creativity of spirit.

Benefits of massage therapy:

  • Better mobility
  • Inner peace and greater self-confidence
  • Improves immunity
  • Eliminates or alleviates allergy symptoms
  • Improves general health and athletic performance
  • Gets rid of depression, stress, tension, and fatigue
  • Mitigates headache, insomnia, digestive problems
  • Massage therapy slows down and stops the degeneration of the spine
  • Helps to lose weight, strengthen joints, relax muscles, stretch the tendons
  • Increases the general elasticity of the body
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Makes intervertebral discs healthier
  • Massage is completely safe and natural.

So massage has a beneficial effect on the muscular system, bones, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, digestive system, skin, genitourinary system, reproductive system.

The healing power of massage can enhance if you add meditation and visualization exercises and the usage of crystals and essential oils amplifies the positive power of massage therapy.

In problems with muscles, joints, and other parts of the body, strong manipulative massage therapy techniques bring the best results.

The healing power is in the activation of tissues, where toxins accumulated in muscles and joints are released.

Pressure Points in the Massage

Acupressure points are not magic buttons that heal health problems; however, if used frequently and carefully, they can establish a balance of body and mind, so the problems arise less frequently and of reduced intensity.

Points on the top of the head and back of the body:

  • GV20 acupuncture point - poor memory and concentration, headaches, mild depression. It relaxes the mind and calms the mind
  • GV16 - colds, headaches, sore throat, nosebleeds
  • GB20 - neck stiffness, headaches caused by stress, insomnia, hypertension. Use in combination with GV16, to cold symptoms have resolved
  • B10 - stress, tension, nervousness, insomnia. Increases awareness, calms the mind, relaxes the body, relieves cold symptoms and flu
  • GB21 - tension and fatigue in the area of #8203; #8203; the shoulders and neck, stiffness shoulders. Relaxes thoughts, reduce nervousness, stress, anger, and irritability
  • B13 - breathing problems, detoxification
  • B23, B47 - reduces pain in the lower back, establishes balance in the energy of the kidneys and digestive system
  • TH4 - reduces pain in the wrists
  • LI4 - headaches, mild depression, general types of pain
  • K3 - against water retention in the body, swollen feet, sleep problems. Protects the immune system. The very useful and safe pressure point for massage in pregnant women facilitates labor pains
  • B60 - pain in the lower back and joints, rheumatic pains

Acupressure points on the face and front of the body:

  • GV25 - depression, weakened immune system. A pure mind calms fears, relaxes the body
  • B2, GV24.5 - eye and sinus problems, headaches, and others facial pain
  • B1 - nosebleeds, tired and sore eyes
  • LI20 - colds that include the head area, blockages nose
  • ST - sinuses, tired and dry eyes
  • GV26 - dizziness, fainting, convulsions
  • K27 - sore throat, cough, hiccups, nervousness. Establishes balance in kidney function
  • L1 - asthma, breathing problems. Stabilizes emotions relieves states of confusion, clears thoughts
  • CV17 - mild depression, sadness
  • CV12 - emotional problems, stress, digestive problems

The effect of massage is based on the mechanical stimulation of receptors, during which various reactions of tissues and organs occur.

Besides this, massage has a direct mechanical effect on the tissue.

Under the influence of massage, the swelling of lymphatic and venous blood increases, active hyperemia of arterioles and capillaries occurs, which increases local metabolism and elimination of decomposition, harmful metabolic products, resorption of swelling.

It has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect, increases the secretory activity of sebaceous and sweat glands, which leads to a decrease in fatigue, improvement of contact ability, and generally relaxing, sedative effect.

Modern massage connects with Chinese therapy is very effective.

In modern practice, massage is used not only for therapeutic but also for prophylactic purposes such as relaxation and sports.